150 watt 40m amplifier
150 Watt 40m HF amplifier using air ( plastic ) core transformer. My plastic (air) core transformer looks like this... An air core transformer This amplifier is used with IC-718 on 40m. Power output drops steeply with increasing frequency. It is unusable at 20m 😔 In this experiment four IRFP450 are used in the final stage to get at least 150 Watts on 40m. Another IRFP450 is used as driver. Here is the circuit......... R1 ... R16 are paralleled to increase wattage rating. Paralleled resistors are drawn with thicker lines. Values of the resistors are shown on the schematic and are also repeated here . R1 = 3 || 470R/2W = 156R6/6W R2 = 3 || 470R/2W = 156R6/6W R3 = 4 || 150R/2W = 37R5/8W R4 = 3 || 3R3/2W = 1R1/6W ...